RegisteredAV = System Center Endpoint ProtectionĮrror: SetupDiag reports rollback failure found. SP_EXECUTION_OOBE_BOOT(Phase) and SP_EXECUTION_OP_MIGRATE_DATA (Operation).

STATUS_ALERTED (The delay completed because the thread was alerted) In the TS irgnorewarining is also configured.Īrccording to MS ( ) the NTSTATUS ERROR is The WinSetup with /Scanonly and /irgnorewarining Parameter told me i have no incomatible Components (ignore waring because of SCEP).

Sadly on the first couple machines i tested the TS (with version 1809 Upgrade Package), i get a 0xC1900101 - 0x4000D Error (Error code from MS SetupDiag Exe). The Solution i choose is a Inplace-Upgrade via SCCM. I currently had to Upgrade all Win 7 Devices to Win 10. As a general rule, if someone has flair, they almost definitely know what they're talking about. Microsoft employees typically have MSFT Official flair, and MVPs usually have MSFT Enterprise Mobility MVP with a link to their personal site/blog.Please send mod mail if you qualify and would like flair set for your account.