

RegisteredAV = System Center Endpoint ProtectionĮrror: SetupDiag reports rollback failure found. SP_EXECUTION_OOBE_BOOT(Phase) and SP_EXECUTION_OP_MIGRATE_DATA (Operation).


STATUS_ALERTED (The delay completed because the thread was alerted) In the TS irgnorewarining is also configured.Īrccording to MS ( ) the NTSTATUS ERROR is The WinSetup with /Scanonly and /irgnorewarining Parameter told me i have no incomatible Components (ignore waring because of SCEP).


Sadly on the first couple machines i tested the TS (with version 1809 Upgrade Package), i get a 0xC1900101 - 0x4000D Error (Error code from MS SetupDiag Exe). The Solution i choose is a Inplace-Upgrade via SCCM. I currently had to Upgrade all Win 7 Devices to Win 10. As a general rule, if someone has flair, they almost definitely know what they're talking about. Microsoft employees typically have MSFT Official flair, and MVPs usually have MSFT Enterprise Mobility MVP with a link to their personal site/blog.Please send mod mail if you qualify and would like flair set for your account.


  • Flair is reserved for Microsoft employees and MVPs.
  • System Center Configuration Manager and Endpoint Protection.
  • Listing of Local ConfigMgr-related User Groups (largely outdated) URL shorteners cause this almost every time, but so do strings of apparent gibberish like WSUS and PXE sometimes. It might have been caught by the spam filter. Post your SCCM tips and tricks, requests for help, or links others might find useful! Post not showing up?
